DASH DRCM200BK vs Tiger Corporation JNP-S10U-HU product comparison & buy recommendation

DASH DRCM200BK vs Tiger Corporation JNP-S10U-HU Result

Considering rating, we recommend buying the Tiger Corporation JNP-S10U-HU
Considering number of ratings (popularity), we recommend buying the DASH DRCM200BK
Considering price, we recommend buying the DASH DRCM200BK

👉 Overall, we would recommend buying the DASH DRCM200BK 🏅

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When deciding between DASH DRCM200BK vs Tiger Corporation JNP-S10U-HU, it is important to factor features, cost and reviews into the purchasing decision. Our product comparison highlights these elements and provides considerations to help you make your purchase. We directly compare the DASH DRCM200BK and Tiger Corporation JNP-S10U-HU in our comparison table:

DASH DRCM200BK Tiger Corporation JNP-S10U-HU
Title Dash DRCM200BK Mini Rice Cooker Steamer with Removable Nonstick Pot, Keep Warm Function & Recipe Guide, Black Tiger JNP-S10U-HU 5.5-Cup (Uncooked) Rice Cooker and Warmer, Stainless Steel Gray
Price $19.59 🏆 $127.48
Rating 4.5 4.6 🏆
Reviews 22,218 🏆 2,765
Sales Rank n/a n/a
Brand DASH Tiger Corporation
Manufacturer StoreBound Japan Tiger Corporation of U.S.A
  • MORE THAN RICE: Oatmeal, stew, soup, quinoa, rice, and pasta! The 2-cup capacity allows for healthier portion control, or individual, quick and easy breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, or sides.
  • QUICK + EASY: Set it and forget it! Prep time is minutes (simply add water and your uncooked rice, pasta, or veggies), and press the cook button. Your steamed meal (or side) is ready in less than 20 minutes, with less clean up.
  • KEEP WARM FUNCTION: Updated with a keep warm function and indicator light – never overheat or overcook ingredients again, making for a healthy, perfect meal each and every time.
  • PORTABLE + COMPACT: The Dash Rice Cooker is your MUST-HAVE for that first apartment, smaller kitchen, college dorm life, or camper/RV traveling. Plus, the fun color options will match any kitchen décor (add to your registry now!).
  • INCLUDES: The 200-Watt Dash Mini Rice Cooker is backed by a 1-year manufacturer warranty and includes a rice paddle, measuring cup, removable pot with PFOA-free nonstick coating, recipe book and recipe database access
  • U.S. BASED SUPPORT: Designed in NYC, with U.S. based Customer Support on every product.
  • Keep-warm function up to 12 hours
  • Non-stick inner pan
  • Retractable power cord
  • Spatula and rice measuring cup includes
  • Removable and washable steam vent
  • NOTE: Please ensure to measure rice in the cup that comes along with the product ONLY
Warranty n/a 30 Days and Manufacturer
Release Date n/a n/a
Height 16.0 Inches 10.3 Inches
Width 6.5 Inches 10.8 Inches
Length 8.3 Inches 9.8 Inches
Weight 2.94 Pounds 9.0 Pounds
Sale Discount 0% 28%
Prime Exclusive No No

Both the DASH DRCM200BK and Tiger Corporation JNP-S10U-HU have different aspects to compare. From a size perspective, the DASH DRCM200BK is smaller compared to the Tiger Corporation JNP-S10U-HU. From a weight perspective, the DASH DRCM200BK is lighter compared to the Tiger Corporation JNP-S10U-HU. From a review count perspective, DASH DRCM200BK has more reviews, which may be an indicator that it is the more popular product between the two. From a review perspective, Tiger Corporation JNP-S10U-HU has the better review rating, indicating it may be the favored product at time of writing. Finally from a price perspective, the DASH DRCM200BK cost less than the Tiger Corporation JNP-S10U-HU, making the DASH DRCM200BK the cheaper option. From a feature perspective, the DASH DRCM200BK has the same features compared to the Tiger Corporation JNP-S10U-HU, which one should consider in addition to price.

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