Zojirushi NP-GBC05XT vs Oyama CFS-F10B product comparison & buy recommendation

Zojirushi NP-GBC05XT vs Oyama CFS-F10B Result

Considering rating, we recommend buying the Zojirushi NP-GBC05XT
Considering number of ratings (popularity), we recommend buying the Zojirushi NP-GBC05XT
Considering price, we recommend buying the Oyama CFS-F10B

👉 Overall, we would recommend buying the Zojirushi NP-GBC05XT 🏅

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When deciding between Zojirushi NP-GBC05XT vs Oyama CFS-F10B, it is important to factor features, cost and reviews into the purchasing decision. Our product comparison highlights these elements and provides considerations to help you make your purchase. We directly compare the Zojirushi NP-GBC05XT and Oyama CFS-F10B in our comparison table:

Zojirushi NP-GBC05XT Oyama CFS-F10B
Title Zojirushi NP-GBC05XT Induction Heating System Rice Cooker and Warmer, 0.54 L, Stainless Dark Brown Oyama CFS-F10B 5 Cup Rice Cooker, Stainless Black
Price $254.99 $47.88 🏆
Rating 4.8 🏆 4.2
Reviews 946 🏆 137
Sales Rank n/a n/a
Brand Zojirushi Oyama
Manufacturer Zojirushi Oyama
  • 700-watt 3-cup rice cooker and warmer with Induction Heating technology. Note – Capacity is measured in the approx. 6 oz. / 180mL rice measuring cup, using raw short grain white rice. Other grains may vary.
  • Menu settings include: white/mixed, sushi, porridge, brown, GABA brown, rinse-free and quick cooking. Electrical Rating- 120 volts / 700 watts
  • Accessories include rice spatula, spatula holder and rice measuring cups;Detachable and washable stainless steel inner lid
  • Capacity*: Up to 3 cups / 0.54 liter.Capacity is measured in the approx. 6 oz. / 180mL rice measuring cup, using raw short grain white rice. Other grains may vary
  • Thick, spherical inner cooking pan; carrying handle; detachable cord; wash by hand. Dimensions (W x D x H) : 9.12 x 11.87 x 7.5 inches
  • NOTE: Please ensure to measure rice in the cup that comes along with the product ONLY
  • All Stainless Steel cooking surfaces
  • Stainless Steel Steamer Tray
  • 3 Dimensional Heating (base, side and lid)
  • Keep warm function
  • Cooking bowl has a triple layered base for uniform heating without burning
  • Use the provided rice measuring cup included with the rice cooker for all measurements.
Warranty n/a n/a
Release Date n/a n/a
Height 7.5 Inches 9.2 Inches
Width 9.125 Inches 9.2 Inches
Length 11.815 Inches 9.2 Inches
Weight 0.5 Pounds 5.0 Pounds
Sale Discount 0% 9%
Prime Exclusive No No

Both the Zojirushi NP-GBC05XT and Oyama CFS-F10B have different aspects to compare. From a size perspective, the Zojirushi NP-GBC05XT is larger compared to the Oyama CFS-F10B. From a weight perspective, the Zojirushi NP-GBC05XT is lighter compared to the Oyama CFS-F10B. From a review count perspective, Zojirushi NP-GBC05XT has more reviews, which may be an indicator that it is the more popular product between the two. From a review perspective, Zojirushi NP-GBC05XT has the better review rating, indicating it may be the favored product at time of writing. Finally from a price perspective, the Zojirushi NP-GBC05XT cost more than the Oyama CFS-F10B, making the Oyama CFS-F10B the cheaper option. From a feature perspective, the Zojirushi NP-GBC05XT has the same features compared to the Oyama CFS-F10B, which one should consider in addition to price.

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