Zojirushi NS-ZCC10 vs Panasonic SR-G06FGL product comparison & buy recommendation

Zojirushi NS-ZCC10 vs Panasonic SR-G06FGL Result

Considering rating, we recommend buying the Zojirushi NS-ZCC10
Considering number of ratings (popularity), we recommend buying the Zojirushi NS-ZCC10
Considering price, we recommend buying the Panasonic SR-G06FGL

👉 Overall, we would recommend buying the Zojirushi NS-ZCC10 🏅

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When deciding between Zojirushi NS-ZCC10 vs Panasonic SR-G06FGL, it is important to factor features, cost and reviews into the purchasing decision. Our product comparison highlights these elements and provides considerations to help you make your purchase. We directly compare the Zojirushi NS-ZCC10 and Panasonic SR-G06FGL in our comparison table:

Zojirushi NS-ZCC10 Panasonic SR-G06FGL
Title Zojirushi Neuro Fuzzy Rice Cooker, 5.5-Cup, Premium White Panasonic SR-G06FGL Rice, Steamer & Multi-Cooker, 3-Cup (Uncooked), 3 Cups 6 Cups Cooked, Silver
Price $183.99 $34.47 🏆
Rating 4.8 🏆 4.5
Reviews 6,409 🏆 1,381
Sales Rank n/a n/a
Brand Zojirushi Panasonic
Manufacturer Zojirushi Panasonic
Model NS-ZCC10 SR-G06FGL
  • 5-1/2-cup computerized rice cooker and warmer with advanced Neuro Fuzzy logic technology. Wall mountable
  • Multi-menu selections; automatic keep-warm, extended keep-warm, and reheat cycles. Electrical Rating – 120 volts / 680 watts
  • Spherical, nonstick inner pan allows for uniform heating; LCD clock and timer; retractable cord
  • Menu settings include white (regular/sushi, softer or harder), mixed, porridge, sweet, semi-brown, brown, rinse-free and quick cooking
  • Measures approximately 14 by 8 by 9 inches; 1-year limited warranty, Dimensions (W x D x H) : 10-1/8 x 13 x 8-1/8 inches
  • Includes 2 measuring cups, nonstick rice spoon/scooper, rice spoon holder, and recipes . NOTE: Please ensure to measure rice in the cup that comes along with the product ONLY
  • Makes 6 cups of freshly cooked rice and other foods: this Panasonic rice cooker prepares up to 3 cups of uncooked rice (6 cups cooked); use with white, brown, yellow, short or long grain rice and other foods including oatmeal, soups and vegetables
  • One step automatic cooking: simple, one step operation with the push of a button; Includes automatic shutoff function when cooking is complete
  • Durable non stick coated aluminum pan: The resilient, non stick aluminum coated inner pan is designed to withstand years of continual heat and use, and is easy to clean
  • Glass lid with plastic white knob: A tempered see through glass lid with plastic knob lets you safely monitor cooking
  • Included accessories: A measuring cup and rice scoop are included for easy cooking and serving
  • Dimensions : WxDxH (mm) 240 x 198 x 210
Warranty 1 year limited warranty n/a
Release Date 2005-04-15 n/a
Height 10.125 Inches 8.26772 Inches
Width 8.125 Inches 7.795276 Inches
Length 13.0 Inches 9.448819 Inches
Weight 3.0 Pounds 2.6 Pounds
Sale Discount 0% 0%
Prime Exclusive No No

Both the Zojirushi NS-ZCC10 and Panasonic SR-G06FGL have different aspects to compare. From a size perspective, the Zojirushi NS-ZCC10 is larger compared to the Panasonic SR-G06FGL. From a weight perspective, the Zojirushi NS-ZCC10 is heavier compared to the Panasonic SR-G06FGL. From a review count perspective, Zojirushi NS-ZCC10 has more reviews, which may be an indicator that it is the more popular product between the two. From a review perspective, Zojirushi NS-ZCC10 has the better review rating, indicating it may be the favored product at time of writing. Finally from a price perspective, the Zojirushi NS-ZCC10 cost more than the Panasonic SR-G06FGL, making the Panasonic SR-G06FGL the cheaper option. From a feature perspective, the Zojirushi NS-ZCC10 has the same features compared to the Panasonic SR-G06FGL, which one should consider in addition to price.

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